Friday, August 3, 2007

What if I type above the picture html? Does that work? Ah-ha! It works!

Just trying this out. I'm a bit challenged when it comes to computers and have always been scared off of these blog things, but I really want to start an art blog. I'm just going to try and upload a picture of one of my paintings... here goes...

Hmmmm....not quite what I had in mind, I'll try again. Is there a way to have a picture in the middle of your entry? Take # 2...

Nope, that didn't work, what if I try messing with the html?

Wheeeeee! This is easier than I thought and kind of fun!


Chicken Wrangler said...

You sent a question to my blog about treating a bird for mites on the legs - causes redness and cracking on the feet, and the leg scales raise up and it is very painful for the bird. You will need to put Vaseline on the birds' feet and legs to smother the mites. This will have to be done daily or every other day until they are gone. The bird should be treated with Sevin Garden Dust, and the coop should be inspected for mites - it might have to be sprayed with a poultry approved product to rid the wood of any mites that will live there. Very hard to get rid of in coops!

This isn't what I had in Mind... said...

Thanks Chicken Wrangler. I am dipping everyones feet in vegetable oil with a few drops of tea tree oil, every few days. Everyone looks a whole lot better. As for disinfecting the coop, I just don't know what I will do. It is a really old building with a dirt floor and wood and tar paper walls. Big gaps between boards. The chickens are free rangers and I wonder if they would just pick them up again out in the yard. For winter I plan to put a dust bath in a box for them to play in with sand and diatomaceous earth in it. My local shuregain feed store didn't seem to know what to do. They suggested a spray that is used for sheep but I had seen somewhere on line not to use that around chickens. Perhaps a trip to the vet might be a good idea.

art by Michael Perchard said...

Again, thank you for visiting my blog and writing such wonderful things.
I love the title of your blog!
I very much enjoy "I Am The Cheese"! Whimsical,colorful, and great technique. Bravo!
Good luck with your blog. I am looking forward to seeing more of your work.